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Becoming Para Ready Zoom Seminar

Becoming Para Ready Zoom Seminar

Becoming Para Ready is Athletics Canada’s framework for inclusion and integration of Para Athletes in Track and Field in Canada.

The session is targeted at coaches and officials who want to learn more about Para Athletics and gain a better understanding of the nuances and rules of coaching athletes with a disability and officiating meets with Para Athletics events. The session will take place on July 12 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm and will include a question-and-answer component.

The session will be delivered via Zoom by Fannie Smith, Manager, Para Development, Athletics Canada. A link will be sent to all registered participants the day before the session (July 11). We encourage you to view the Becoming Para Ready resource and the Para Athletics webpages on Athletics Canada’s website prior to the session.

Registration is mandatory. Please register here.

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